Parking & Transportation
For up to date parking information, visit
Daytime Parking
Unless posted otherwise, no driver may park a vehicle on the same street in Brookline between the hours of 6 a.m. of one day and 1 a.m. of the following day for a period of time longer than 2 hours with the exception of Sundays and public holidays.
Overnight Parking
No driver may park on any street in Brookline, or in any town-owned off-street parking facility, for a period longer than 1 hour between the hours of 2 a.m. and 6 a.m. on any day of the week unless allowed by the Transportation Board.
For complete information about meters, lots, overnight parking and more, visit:
For questions about Traffic Tickets, call: 617-730-2230
For questions about Overnight Parking, call: 617-730-2177
Highways Servicing Areas: State Route 9 (East-West)
via MBTA: MBTA runs Green Line service along Beacon Street (C Line), Commonwealth Avenue (B Line) and Riverside (D Line) as well as bus service throughout the town (including the 66 line)
• Brookline Elderbus service available to senior citizens. Elderbus hotline: 617-730-2778
• ElderVan available 617-730-2750
• Brookline Council on Aging 617-730-2777